This weekend, AOC called the five corporate Dems who derailed the president’s Build Back Better agenda "safe-seat people." She’s right. Ed Case (HI-1) won in 2020 by 44 points! Kathleen Rice (NY-4) won by 13 points. Stephanie Murphy (FL-7) won by 12 points. Even Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Kurt Schrader (OR-5) each won with margins over 5 points.

Actual 2022 frontliners who are not beholden to corporate lobbyists are all-in to pass Build Back Better NOW. They know that among other things, Build Back Better makes a historic downpayment in fighting climate change that Democrats must deliver on.

Friday, progressives got the corporate Dems to commit in writing to passing Build Back Better by next week at the latest. We’re pressuring them to follow through.

SIGN THE PETITION pressuring the 5 corporate Dems to follow through on their commitment to pass the Build Back Better Act on Monday, November 15. (After you sign, we’ll help you pressure them on Twitter also.)

Progressives and true front-line Dems have fought tooth and nail to pass the president’s Build Back Better agenda and stop a small-minority of corporate Dems from sinking it.

Build Back Better is critical and historic legislation that:

Now, the 5 corporate Dems who have derailed this legislation time and again must stick to their word and pass Build Back Better no later than next week.

Sign the petition pressuring corporate Dems to follow through and pass Build Back Better. Then, send a tweet to let the corporate Dems know that you're watching -- and you expect them to follow through on their promise to progressives.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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