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While we now know who the New York City Council Members are for the next two years, one thing is still uncertain—who will be the Speaker? 

The NYC Council Speaker is responsible for setting the agenda and priorities for the City Council, controlling what bills are debated and voted on. This makes them the second most powerful person in our local government, after the Mayor. The significance of the Speaker makes them a critical ally in building power for immigrant New Yorkers.

We’re holding a virtual conversation this Wednesday at 6pm with candidates for NYC Council Speaker, including (in alphabetical order):

  • Adrienne Adams
  • Diana Ayala
  • Justin Brannan
  • Gale Brewer
  • Francisco Moya
  • Keith Powers, and 
  • Carlina Rivera
Our discussion will center on the candidates’ proposed legislative priorities and how they will advance immigrants’ rights in New York City.
RSVP: Council Speaker Candidate Forum
Our immigrant friends, family, and neighbors deserve meaningful reform—and it’s time to ensure the next Speaker will deliver for our communities. Join us tomorrow at 6pm to learn how our representatives will advance justice for immigrants as City Council Speaker!

In power,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

RSVP: Council Speaker Candidate Forum
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA