From Precious Life <[email protected]>
Subject 🚨 URGENT ACTION ALERT - Abortion Zones Bill
Date November 9, 2021 2:41 PM
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📝Deadline Friday 12th Nov📩

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACTION ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DEADLINE : Friday 12th November 2021
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ACTION ALERT - Tell the Assembly Heath Committee you are opposed to the 'Abortion Zones' Bill criminalising pro-lifers

The Committee for Health in the Northern Ireland Assembly has issued a 'Call for Evidence' to get people's views on the so-called "Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill" that was introduced in the Assembly by Clare Bailey in September. The purpose of the Bill is to criminalise any pro-life activity around abortion centres in Northern Ireland.

This 'Call for Evidence' was not publicised by the Committee, therefore many pro-life people across Northern Ireland did not know about this consultation. The deadline for Submissions is Friday 12th November 2021. This leaves only 4 days (including today) for you to make a Submission.

Precious Life has contacted the Committee for Health to ask for an extension to the deadline However, should an extension not be granted, we urge you to send your Submission TODAY

Your Submission should be in 'Word' format attached to an email and sent to: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

If you cannot submit by email, you can send a paper copy to: The Health Committee Clerk, Room 419, Parliament Buildings, Ballymiscaw, Stormont, Belfast, BT4 3XX

If you require any help in sending your Submission, contact Precious Life on 02890278484 (tel:02890278484) or email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Street%20Outreach) .

TAKE ACTION NOW - Send your Submission

Use the points below to write a Submission in your own words :
* The Bill is draconian and oppressive, and totally discriminatory as it only targets and criminalises pro-life people.
* Pro-life vigils are peaceful, and the police already have adequate powers to deal with any alleged activity that is against the law.
* There is no Police evidence to substantiate Claire Bailey’s claims of ‘harassment’ and 'intimidation' outside abortion centres
* The Bill will '...make it a CRIME to DO ANYTHING...’ outside an abortion centre '...which might influence a person in their decision to attend...' an abortion centre. Simply holding a sign; distributing information leaflets; talking to a woman to offer her help, or even praying outside an abortion centre will be '...punishable on conviction by fines' up to £2500
* Freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights – both protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act.
* These 'Abortion Zones' will rob vulnerable women of an alternative to abortion. Pro-Life groups have evidence of many women offered help and support outside abortion centres, who decided to keep their babies.
* The establishment and reviewing of so-called Safe Access Zones could impose costs on the Department of Health. Two similar zones in England have cost the taxpayer an estimated £150,000 and £250,000. These costs imposed on the public purse were in relation to legal costs incurred from resisting appeals to convictions. This Bill admits that it is reasonable to assume that the majority of costs imposed on the Department of Health in Northern Ireland will arise from enforcement and legal costs. The Health Service in Northern Ireland is already in crisis due to lack of funding. Taxpayers’ money could be better spent on treating people who are on 10 year waiting lists for treatment, rather than adding more financial burdens to the Health Service by needlessly trying to set up and enforce ‘abortion zones’.

NOTE: Submissions (either in whole or part) will be published on the Committee webpage and may be quoted in the Committee’s report or referred to in Committee meetings (which are public and are broadcast). The Committee recognises that in some circumstances people may prefer for their Submission to be treated as confidential, or published anonymously. If you wish to do this, please make this clear in your Submission.


Please also share this email with your family and friends.

DEADLINE : Friday 12th November 2021
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