Lt. Gov Dan Patrick

Last week, the state of Texas sued the Biden administration for their private-employer vaccine mandate. On Saturday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary halt to the mandate — a huge victory for Texans!

I'm vaccinated, and I encourage others to get vaccinated. But each person should do their own research and make their own decision. As I have consistently said before, this decision should be left up to the individual — NOT the government.

As it stands, small businesses are still trying to recover from the Democrat-led COVID lockdowns. This burdensome vaccine mandate would hurt small businesses and Americans trying to provide for their families. No one should lose their job, career, or pension because they do not want to take a vaccination that they have serious concerns about.

Vax Mandates
Watch my recent interview with Laura Ingraham on this issue.

I am proud that we have taken this stand against an unconstitutional power grab. Texas will continue to take the lead in preventing federal government overreach.

Biden's blatant disregard for the Constitution will not be tolerated in the Lone Star State. Whether by lawsuits or a fourth special session, we will not allow the federal government to dictate one's COVID vaccine status. This victory will be one of many as we continue to stand up against a radical administration, and I'd like to have your support in the long run. May I count on your contribution of $5-10-25 or more today? Your support will send a message to Democrats that their radical policies are not welcome here in Texas.

Your support will help our campaign champion conservative ideas across Texas. Because when conservatives win, Texas wins.

May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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