Think pizza has nothing to do with politics, John?
Boy are you wrong. My name is Gerry, of Gerry’s Partisan Pizza – and I despise gerrymandering. I saw how politicians were preparing to redraw voting districts and rig elections for the next decade, and I wasn’t going to stand around and keep quiet.
So I hit the road. For the last two weeks, my crew and I have been traveling America, stopping in 6 states at serious risk of gerrymandering to sling hundreds of pizzas and mobilize Americans in the fight for fair elections.
Check out what we’ve been up to on the road and how you can stop gerrymandering!

This trip has been as delicious as it was powerful. We covered almost 5,000 miles of ground and visited 10 cities across 6 states. We mobilized Americans from across the political spectrum into our fight – and even munched on slices with Governor Larry Hogan – to show how both parties need to come together and stop rigging elections.
The more pizza we put out there, the more attention we got! Our pizza truck was featured in newspapers and on TVs across America – from the Austin Chronicle and CBS Raleigh to Maryland Matters, The Pittsburgh Tribune, and The Florida Channel.
We didn’t get this attention for the hell of it, John. This trip was so impactful because we were able to recruit thousands of Americans to join in on our fight. Working hand-and-hand, we can stop gerrymandering if we all take action.
And that starts right now. The Freedom to Vote Act is our chance to stop congressional gerrymandering – and your senators will support it if their constituents do as well. Text 'Pizza' to 505-405-9505 to connect to your senators to demand they pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

Thank you for two delicious weeks,
Gerry CFO (Chief Flavor Officer) Gerry’s Partisan Pizza
P.S. Head to the Gerry’s Partisan Pizza online store to get your own Gerry’s gear now.  |