Dear Patriot,
We got the bad news on Friday night that the $1.2 Trillion “compromise” infrastructure spending package
passed the U.S. House -- with the help of THIRTEEN turncoat Republicans -- and will head to President Biden’s desk. But the silver lining is the progressives completely failed to force through their Great
Reset “Build Back Better” plan, which is meant to be the end of private property ownership.
It would also be the ushering in of a nightmare dystopia, courtesy of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab.
In short, they want to use COVID as the excuse to enslave us financially and were bold enough to
put that into the larger “Human Infrastructure” bill, which Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) insisted be voted on at the same time.
AOC and the progressive “Squad” didn’t get their way and voted against the
traditional infrastructure bill. That should have been enough to sink the bill. But
the following thirteen Republican turncoats came to the rescue of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA):
Don Bacon (NE) Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
Rep. David McKinley (WV) Rep. Andrew Garbarino (NY)
Rep. John Katko (NY) Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY)
Rep. Tom Reed (NY) Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (OH)
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL) Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ)
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ) Rep. Fred Upton (MI)
Rep. Don Young (AK) Without those thirteen Republicans, who voted to sell you out once again with another bloated spending package that is sure to cause more pain in the economy,
the bill would have failed. There is real danger afoot that those same
Republicans will capitulate to the left again and vote for the larger bill, which is a complete economic disaster in the making. This has to stop now!
The historically bloated MULTI-Trillion-Dollar “Human Infrastructure”
bill is packed full of elements of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and Klaus Schwab’s dystopian “Great
Reset.” Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators and Representative
to STOP the larger spending package while we still have time. Then please chip in what you can afford today. Even $10 or
$25 goes a long way. If you can afford more, $50, $75, or even $150 would really keep us in the fight against runaway spending.
We need to get the word out to more liberty-loving Americans what this is really all about. The so-called “human infrastructure” bill is nothing but D.C. spin for their extremely
unpopular programs that couldn’t pass under regular order. This bill will expand on what was just passed, but make
it many times worse: >>>This bill will massively increase the costs of services like child-care and community college
with heavy subsidies coming from the federal government. >>>This bill will further
erode the quality of medical care in this country by vastly expanding Medicare and Medicaid in the states that wisely opted out of Obamacare
expansion. >>>This bill will incorporate the globalist “Build Back Better”
plan that will destroy the free markets once and for all. From gun confiscation bills, to legalized election theft (H.R.1/S.1), the Biden agenda has been repeatedly defeated by a
very strong outcry from people just like YOU. It is making a difference, despite the defeat on
Friday. You and I cannot lose sight of that.
There isn’t much time left to block this much larger and more dangerous bill that was supposed to be voted on already, if the
progressives had prevailed. Sign the petition to tell your U.S. Senators and
Representative that enough is enough on spending! The latest $1.2 Trillion is on top of the $5 Trillion spent with
the COVID outbreak as the excuse. Now nearly every American is taking it on the chin daily with
rising prices on everyday goods like fuel and groceries, along with shortages of basic items that were never an issue before the lockdowns.
Patriot, it really feels like big government is trying to break down society for the profit of their
cronies and the multi-national corporations who benefit from the destruction of competition.
Are we going to let them complete the job? I fear that if the Great Reset passes in
the next spending bill, we’ll really be sunk. The Republican turncoats who voted for the
smaller $1.2 Trillion package simply cannot be trusted, so they must all be put on notice before they do any more damage.
Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators and
Representative to STOP Biden’s larger “Human Infrastructure” spending package while we still have time. Each step forward toward government control of the economy brings us closer and closer to a
totalitarian government that nobody, except just the few elites who are in charge will appreciate.
I am urging you to not let one defeat distract from the bigger battle that is right in front of us.
Thank you for your commitment to this very important effort. For Liberty,
 Dr. Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. The political class has already spent multiple $Trillions of our money after shutting the economy down. Now they’ll stop
at nothing to keep their endless scam going. Let them know you will not tolerate another dime being
spent – sign the petition at once. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and
defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy,
by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.