State Board of Education Alert

The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) will be taking a final vote on the textbooks for Heath education, which includes sex-ed for public school students in Texas, during their meeting on November 16-19th. Last year, the board did an excellent job in listening to over 17,000 parents and keeping LGBT ideology, abortion and drug-based sex education out of the Health Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

However, the elected board must choose textbooks that align with the new common-sense standards. Two of the textbooks contain content that is completely opposite of the TEKS adopted and contain materials on controversial LGBT issues and dangerous drug-based sex education. Human Kinetics is one of the books of concern as it contains material teaching kids about gender identity by telling students to become LGBT allies and encouraging them to explore their own gender identity. The other book, Lessonbee, CONTAINS STORIES OF MIDDLE SCHOOLERS ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. These books are being used to teach middle schoolers sexually inappropriate, and even pornographic material.
There is hope yet, as the publisher Goodheart Wilcox proposed a textbook that meets the new standards and does not contain the same graphic and obscene language as the other books do.  You can view textbook samples here. To see the concerning materials please read our blog and scroll to the bottom here.

Testimony will be available in person and virtually on Tuesday November 16, in the formal SBOE meeting beginning at 9 a.m. Registration for testimony begins on November 10, at 8 a.m. and ends November 12, and 5 p.m. You can register to testify at this link. Please sign up to speak on Agenda Item 2, (Report from the Commissioner Regarding Instructional Materials).
We need you to email the SBOE members starting now and until the board meeting to let them know to vote for Goodheart Wilcox and against Lessonbee and Human Kinetics.  

Please contact the SBOE and let them know that you do not want them to adopt Lessonbee or Human Kinetics for Health textbooks. To email the members of the State Board of Education, click here.


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