Now is the time to elect a generation of leaders committed to protecting our fellow Americans and keeping them healthy. If you are with me, join our team today to fight for a healthcare system that provides quality, affordable, and equitable care for all:


Hello Jack —

When I ran for Congress, it was because I refused to stay on the sidelines while our nation's healthcare system was being undermined by Washington politicians.

As an ER physician, I saw firsthand the heartbreaking struggles of patients who were left behind by our healthcare system. Our nation’s healthcare crisis has massive implications for our economy and an immeasurable moral and human price tag. We can, and must do better. Whether as a candidate for Congress or a physician or a mother or an American, I remain committed to this vital work.

Video Preview for launch of HEAL PAC

It’s been said many times over the last year, but it warrants repeating: the pandemic has made it painfully clear that it’s critical to elect leaders — at every level of our government — who understand the issues within our healthcare system and have the passionate resolve to effectively address them. It’s also true that the healthcare industry has many powerful forces advocating for its special interests… and that advocacy rarely prioritizes patients or outcomes.

That’s why I am so proud to launch HEAL PAC. HEAL - Health Equity and Access through Leadership. Our goal is to elect leaders to Congress who commit to prioritizing healthcare policy that puts people, not profits, first — policy that focuses on not just access and affordability, but on equity as well.

Will you pitch in $10, or any amount, to help kick off our work to build a fairer, stronger, and more effective healthcare system?


We will support leaders who propose real solutions to existing disparities and who recognize the intersection of healthcare policy with education, economic, environmental, criminal justice, and social justice policies.

Now is the time to elect a generation of leaders committed to protecting our fellow Americans and keeping them healthy. If you are with me, join our team today to fight for a healthcare system that provides quality, affordable, and equitable care for all:


By bringing people together and advocating for policies that focus on patients, not profits, we can rebuild our healthcare system the way it should be: to ensure every American has affordable access to their prescriptions, doctor visits, quality care, and lifesaving treatments — regardless of race, age, income, or zip code.

Thank you so much for your support. I’m honored to have your partnership! Let's do this!

— Dr. Hiral Tipirneni, Founder of HEAL PAC