From Catherine Glenn Foster <>
Subject I testified in Congress to defend Texas's Heartbeat Act...
Date November 8, 2021 12:29 PM
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I applaud Texas and celebrate the lives saved every moment thanks to Texas’s Heartbeat Act. I was proud to speak on behalf of the human right to life.

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** Americans United for Life Testifies in Support of Texas’s Heartbeat Act to U.S. House

** “I applaud Texas and celebrate the lives saved every moment thanks to Texas’s Heartbeat Act. I was proud to speak on behalf of the human right to life in this hostile setting. I was the sole pro-life witness."
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I was proud to testify at the unfortunately named U.S. House of Representatives hearing, “The Texas Abortion Ban and its Devastating Impact on Communities and Families ([link removed]) .”

I applaud Texas and celebrate the lives saved every moment thanks to Texas’s Heartbeat Act. I was proud to speak on behalf of the human right to life in this hostile setting. I was the sole pro-life witness.

I'm sharing C-SPAN’s footage from their coverage of the hearing above as well as my written testimony in support of Texas’s Heartbeat Act ([link removed]) .

I’ve committed my life to advocating for America’s common interest in life, and I’m committed to opposing the special interests that tragically advance killing as a public policy solution.

We’re hearing a lot about Texas, but all of this got its start because seven men on the U.S. Supreme Court decided to do a terrible thing—to use Roe to nullify the democratic consensus against abortion and impose abortion violence upon our people. The American people have never accepted the injustice of abortion culture.

There is nothing more alien to America’s constitutional way of life than the toleration of abortion and its imposition on women who deserve better choices.

Since Texas’s Heartbeat Act went into effect earlier this year, there are now literally thousands of human persons alive ([link removed]) —and thousands of mothers, fathers, families, and communities—who will have the joyful chance at building a life together.

A world with fewer abortions is a good world. A future with more Americans is a good future. And families and communities offered hope rather than sorrow are powerful witnesses to the importance of laws that serve justice and the good of all persons.

I invite you to watch and share my appearance ([link removed]) and to make a financial gift in support of Americans United for Life ([link removed]) as we advance the human right to life and speak out for Texas and every state advancing the human right to life.

Catherine Glenn Foster, M.A., J.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life

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