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Inspectors said the practice, which offers faith and non-faith based cultural circumcision services for all age groups, did not have a "robust system" for checking the identity of patients.
18 police and crime commissioners have this week written to the Secretary of State for Justice, calling for an inquiry into the impact of the current law on assisted dying.
Seven Italian doctors who refused to perform a potentially life-saving abortion are fighting accusations of manslaughter in a trial that is expected to set a precedent for Italy's medical attitude towards the procedure.
China's UN envoy has sounded a warning note over trade talks with Washington after the US joined 22 other countries at the UN in criticising Beijing over the detention of ethnic Uighurs and other Muslims.
Keith Porteous Wood says a film highlighting the struggle to bring a senior Catholic cardinal to account for covering up child abuse is a sign that the Vatican's wall of silence cannot hold.
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