WRI is at the heart of many conversations at COP26. Tune in to an upcoming event or a recorded webinar with WRI researchers and other renowned experts at this year's climate negotiations. Visit our full event list of events.
Monday, November 8
08:00-09:30 GMT | 3:00 - 4:30 am EST
Resilience Hub | Register Here and Watch Online
WRI, the African Center for Cities, ICLEI Africa, WaterAid, Resilient Cities Network, Arup, CAP-NET, Water Integrity Network, and Reos Partners invite African partners, stakeholders, practitioners, thought leaders and changemakers alike to this event to learn what efforts are currently ongoing to develop and co-create an Urban Water Resilience Agenda for Africa and to identify opportunities for further collaboration and operationalization.
WRI Speakers: Rogier van den Berg, Smita Rawoot
Energy Transformation in Turkey and the East Mediterranean
Monday, November 8
15:30-16:30 GMT
Turkey Pavilion, Blue Zone | In person, badge required
One-hour panel discussion on energy transition in Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean with a focus on the state of energy efficiency and demand side management in Turkey, including the role of cities and buildings, as well as future plans for the region.
WRI Speaker: Jennifer Layke
The Transition to Greater Transport Resilience and COVID-19 Recovery
Wednesday, November 10
14:20 GMT
Blue Zone | In person, badge required
This session regards the transport thematic event in the framework of Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) at COP26 and will cover transport sector resilience and green recovery.
WRI Speaker: Stientje van Veldhoven
Transport Day: Driving the global transition to zero-emission transport
Wednesday, November 10
15:30 - 17:30 GMT
Colombia Pavilion | In person event, badge required
WRI Speaker: Adriana Lobo
How Open Government principles can help deliver Climate Action
Thursday, November 11
10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Nordic Pavillion, SEC Centre, Hall 4 | In person, badge required
This workshop will recognise the important and necessary contributions the public make to delivering Climate Action; will outline ambitions to meaningfully, transparency and accountability involve people; will share learning through good practice examples; will identify practical steps to involve people in delivering Climate Action, including how Open Government can help.
WRI Speaker: Yamide Dagnet
Race to Resilience Transformations: 1000CAN Announcement
Thursday, November 11
11:15 - 12:30 GMT
Blue Zone | In-person, badge required
This space will be provided for R2R Partners working on Transformations to share their vision for the future and the impact they aim to create through the implementation of the solution. Their work creating stories of resilience across the world are prime examples of how systems can be changed or influenced by addressing operational challenges.
WRI Speaker: Rogier van den Berg
Friday, November 12
10:00 - 11:00 GMT | 5:00 - 6:00 am EDT
Tower Base South, Green Zone | Watch Online
Action on Climate Empowerment (ACE) and environmental democracy can strengthen the participation of citizens, local communities, women, and indigenous peoples in energy decision-making, creating powerful tools for convincing decision-makers to undertake ambitious, just clean energy objectives and orientate them to fulfil them with the widest societal ownership. Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) will convene a panel in collaboration with WRI, International IDEA, Climate Action Network (CAN), E3G and the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee (BEIS) of the UK House of Commons.
WRI Contact: Jesse Worker