John — 

We’ve got a lot going on in November as we continue laying the groundwork in battleground states across the country — and we want everyone on this team weighing in.

Will you take a quick moment to share which issues are most important to you and your family? You can click here to take our two-minute survey.


From Nevada to New Hampshire and every state in between, we’re not exaggerating when we say the fate of the Senate is on the line.

Keeping Democratic control of the Senate is vital to the Biden administration’s success — because if Mitch McConnell regains control, you can bet he’ll block our progress every step of the way.

So as we continue working hard to defend and expand our Democratic majority and making progress on important progressive issues, it’s crucial that we hear what’s on your mind.

Please fill out our November Priorities Survey to be a part of our fundraising and mobilization strategy — your feedback is so important.


Thanks for everything you do as a member of our team.

We really appreciate having you by our side,

Defend the Senate