By Lawrence J. McQuillan and Graham H. Walker (The Orange County Register, 10/15/19)

Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a State of Emergency for California’s homelessness problem. In doing so, he raises public awareness of a major problem but runs the risk of encouraging numerous counterproductive measures, including creation of a “legal right to shelter” that would make cities vulnerable to costly lawsuits. A far better approach would be to lift regulatory controls on multi-family housing, end faux-environmental lawsuits against residential construction, and give homeowners’ associations financial incentives to accept new construction. These are other recommendations are detailed in a forthcoming report from the California Golden Fleece® Awards.
By John C. Goodman (Forbes, 10/17/19)

A market for primary care is fast developing. From Sam’s Club and Walmart to Atlas MD and Ameriflex, new providers are bypassing insurance companies altogether. Employers are foolish if they don’t take advantage of this encouraging trend.
By George D. O’Neill Jr. (The Beacon, 10/24/19)

From college students to well-known members of Congress, there is a growing fervor to go down the road that inevitably leads to serfdom. A timely response to this misguided enthusiasm, Sen. Paul’s new book,
The Case Against Socialism, is concise and informative, carefully researched and easy to read.
By Richard K. Vedder (Forbes, 9/30/19)

The supply of doctorate degrees in English and other humanities has dramatically exceeded demand at prevailing market prices for many years. Nevertheless, many of these academic programs admit the same number of students as when job prospects in academia were good. A key enabler of the problem is federal student loans.
By George W. Nicholson (The Hill, 10/15/19)

At the time of his confirmation proceedings, some people were apprehensive of the man who was to become Justice Thomas. The late Maya Angelou was eloquent in her support for Thomas’s confirmation, and her
New York Times op-ed on his behalf is as worth reading in 2019 as it was when it ran in 1991.
Center on Law and Justice