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Weekend Edition, November 6-7, 2021


The Sovietization of America

Yuri N. Maltsev

The 4th Covid Shot: Could Vaccine Failure Be Any More Obvious?

Vasko Kohlmayer

Weaned Off the Weiner

Tim Hartnett

Joe Biden Administration Threatens ‘Planned Inspections’ and $136,532 Fines to Enforce Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate

Charlie Spiering

US Health Policy Is in the Hands of Sociopaths and Psychopaths

Paul Craig Roberts

OSHA Gives Workers Until Jan. 4 to Comply With Biden’s Covid Vaccine Mandate, Lawmakers Tee Up Lawsuits

Megan Redshaw

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

Jon Rappoport

Resentment of the Authoritarian Class

Maury Garvey

Woke Gets Whacked — But Hold the Victory Lap

James Howard Kunstler

Whistleblowers Torpedo Facebook and Pfizer: Who’s Next?

Charles Hugh Smith

America in Twenty Years

Bionic Mosquito

Elite Athlete Explains ‘Vaccine’ Injury and Doctor’s Ignorance

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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