
Did you catch my team’s email last week? We need to raise $15,000 to buy 5,000 yard signs to spread the news about our campaign. We are still $3,450 short...which is why I’m reaching back out.

Your support to spread the word about our campaign is more crucial than ever, and with the election coming up quickly in just 12 months, I need your help. 

The Radical Left has been pouring money into our district so they can replace our seat with another Pelosi-backed liberal who will stop at nothing to shackle TX-24 with more taxes, more spending, and more ridiculous mandates!

I want to flood Texas with yard signs and show the Democrats they don’t stand a chance against our America First movement. With only one more year to go, can I count on you to crush this yard sign goal? 

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne

-Sent from my iPhone
---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Team Van Duyne
Date: Wed, October 27, 2021 at 12:10 PM
Subject: Help us get yard signs!

We need your help to spread the message to show Democrats they don’t have a chance against us.

We need to raise $15,000 so we can buy 5,000 yard signs and spread the message about Beth’s race across TX-24. We have to do everything we can to ensure Beth wins big in 2022 so that Texas doesn’t become another poorly-led Democrat state like California or New York!
You are a crucial part of our campaign. We couldn’t spread the word without YOU, which is why we need your help. 

Democrats are doing all they can to funnel money into Texas and boost the odds for the Pelosi-worshipping liberals they’re pushing.

Beth is fighting every day to stop the Democrats before it’s too late, but she won’t be able to do it alone. Can we count on you to contribute so we can buy 5,000 yard signs?
For Texas and America, 
Team Van Duyne