John — late last night, we finally passed the bipartisan infrastructure package.

This is a major victory for Democrats and for President Biden’s agenda. But even more so, this is a victory for the American people.

Democrats delivered for you.

This bill will provide millions of jobs. It’s going to mean billions in investments in roads, bridges, public transit, and safety. It’s going to mean clean drinking water and broadband for rural and poverty-stricken communities. It’s going to mean renovations to our airports and investing billions in clean energy.

The bill represents the largest single infrastructure investment in American history. And to put it simply: this is a BIG deal.

And it wouldn’t have been possible without the grassroots support that elected this majority and made this moment possible.

But this is just the beginning, we still have more work to do and we’re going to need you to stick with us.

Please, chip in $10 or more if you’re ready to fight for more of these monumental legislative achievements that will provide support to countless Americans and their families. Voters need to know that Democrats are fighting for them before the midterm elections.

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Last night showed us that we can deliver to the American people. Now we just need to dig deep and finish the job.

Thank you for your continued support,

Defend the Senate