Veterans Day is this Thursday, and we believe one of the best ways to support those who have served is by making sure they have adequate and accessible health care. If you're a veteran and share our goal to expand access to health care in Alabama, please sign on to this letter to Governor Ivey and the Alabama Legislature today.

We’re seeking signatures in the coming days to a letter of support from military veterans. If this is you, please add your name to the list of supporters by Tuesday evening. Please share this opportunity to speak out for Medicaid expansion with your friends and family as well!

Three animated veterans with the outline of the state of Alabama behind them. The text reads

More than 5,000 veterans and 7,000 of their family members are trapped in the coverage gap in Alabama.

It’s a common misconception that people who serve in the U.S. military automatically receive lifetime eligibility for health coverage and other benefits. In reality, veterans' health benefits depend on their length of service, military classification, type of discharge and other factors. Gov. Kay Ivey can remedy this flaw with one stroke of the pen.

Please consider signing this letter and/or sharing it with a veteran. Let's end the coverage gap once and for all!

Alabama Arise
P.O. Box 1188  | Montgomery, Alabama 36101
(334) 832-9060 | [email protected]

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