At COP26, Boris Johnson has talked about a ticking clock and said that ‘if we don’t get serious about climate change today, it will be too late for our children to do so tomorrow’. But without action, his words are meaningless.



As world leaders gathered at COP26, Caroline Lucas wrote in the Metro that the prime minister is saying all the right things, but it doesn’t mean anything.


What matters is what he does and does not do. At COP26, Boris Johnson has talked about a ticking clock and said that ‘if we don’t get serious about climate change today, it will be too late for our children to do so tomorrow’.


But without comprehensive political action, his words won't address the core of the issue. Without legislation and real action, pledges fall short and we fail to move away from an economy that puts profit before people.


On Question Time this week, Caroline Lucas commented on making greener policy choices, saying that ‘we know how to do this stuff, but what we need is a prime minister who isn’t giving the green light to the Cambo oil field, who isn’t giving the green light to Cumbrian coal mine, who isn’t planning £27bn on the biggest road building plan ever, but is serious about investing in the green economy’. 


Greens know that our economy needs a reboot. Our systems must change to preserve fundamental ecological conditions for future generations. Want to learn more about our policies for achieving complete system change? Read about our plans here and catch up on our Policy Events Series here.


-- The Green Party


P.S. Imagine what a climate conference like COP26 would look like with more Green experts in the room. Will you support us today so that we can campaign to get more Greens elected to parliament?