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Dear friend,

Today, as we reach halfway through the COP26 international climate conference - held this year in Glasgow - hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets to march for action on the climate emergency

COP26 is a critical moment in our window for action on the climate crisis, which we know is the greatest threat to the countryside. But we also know that the countryside holds so many of the solutions to tackling climate breakdown – from restoring our boggy peatlands to better buses in rural areas.

That’s why we’re joining the Global Day of Action today, organised by a coalition of organisations, groups and individuals, and you can too! Even if you aren’t able to get to a nearby demonstration in your area, you can join the Global Day of Action online at the Digital Rally starting at 7.30pm tonight, and join the calls for action on social media by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

We’re focusing this month’s campaigns update on features highlighting how the issues we work on are affected by – and often hold the key to tackling – the climate crisis. Do read on, enjoy, and get in touch with us if you have any thoughts!

Countryside is key: the top five ways the countryside can tackle climate change

At CPRE, we’ve always known that the countryside is more than just a green and pleasant land – it has terrific potential for actually tackling climate change. If utilised correctly, these green spaces that we all love and value can be the key to cutting carbon.

As the government makes plans to tackle the climate crisis, we’re making sure to remind them of this huge and attainable potential which - by the way – goes way beyond planting more trees.

The countryside holds so many solutions to tackling the climate crisis, and here are our top five.

Ten ways that you and your local community can make a difference to climate change


The looming threat of the climate emergency can feel daunting at the best of times. ‘What am I to do, just this one person?’ - you might ask.

Well, actually, the answer is lots! From eating your own garden (not literally) to taking a greener travel option, there’s choices abound that can make your life healthier for the planet and others.

This isn’t to say the big decisions aren’t needed – they absolutely are. But each of us can make a difference, and we’ve laid out our top ten ways we think you might be able to do that.

There’s a climate emergency and the planning system is not helping


With the COP26 global climate conference hosted in Glasgow in 2021, you’d expect the host country to be leading on climate crisis-bursting plans with flying colours – including by adapting the rules that govern what development happens and where.

But despite progress in some areas, the toolkit we call the English planning system hasn’t even nearly caught up with the government’s legally binding target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, leaving many local councils who want to go further and faster confused and frustrated.

Just how is the government planning to achieve net-zero while the planning system continues to send out the wrong signals on new development? The solutions are there to change things – now we need action.

10 reasons why we love community energy – for people and planet


At CPRE, we believe that renewable energy done well means community energy – renewable energy projects that are proposed, designed and owned by local people.
Not only does community energy make it more likely for local communities to prioritise the area they live in, it also means that any profit made will also be fed back into the local communities, and not disappear into the pockets of large corporations.

Though the climate emergency threatens to damage many of our most loved landscapes and ecosystems, local communities have a huge role to play in their protection, conservation, and future prosperity, and here is how.

A month in the countryside: connecting with nature in November


November is a month to celebrate trees, kick up piles of leaves, collect pine cones and watch them open with indoor heat. Take a look at Guardian country diarist Susie White's top tips for what to spot in the countryside this month.

CPRE Christmas cards


Our CPRE Christmas cards are available to order. We have 6 fantastic designs this year, including our popular Christmas Robin and Snowy Sycamore Gap.

Made from 100% biodegradable materials, every purchase made will support our countryside, ensuring it continues to thrive for generations to come. Each pack contains a total of 10 cards and costs £5.00 plus postage.

Buy a pack of Christmas cards

Best wishes,


Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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