| Welcome to the Family Beacon, your source for news and commentary on life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota and beyond! One quick note: If you have friends and family who want to get pro-life, pro-family Minnesota news every week, click to get a shareable link so they can sign up. |
| Minnesota Leadership Forum December 15th! - Pre-Register NOW! |
|  | Friends, A lot of folks have been asking me whether we will support a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of Minnesota. My answer has been that this decision is up to party delegates! They will decide through the endorsement process kicking off with precinct caucuses in February who they want facing off with Governor Tim Walz next fall. But, if we're not choosing a candidate right now, we do want to give the candidates a chance to get their message directly to YOU, Christian and conservative voters. That's why we're hosting the Minnesota Leadership Forum on December 15, 2021 along with cosponsors AM1280 The Patriot, Freedom Club, and Alpha News, with ALL FOUR leading conservative candidates for Governor, moderated by none other than award-winning broadcaster Hugh Hewitt. A straw poll will be conducted at the forum. We think this event at Providence Academy in Plymouth will SELL OUT due to the interest in these candidates - Doctor Scott Jensen, Senator Michelle Benson, Senator Paul Gazelka, and Doctor Neil Shah. So that's why we're giving you an exclusive opportunity to be notified FIRST when seats become available for purchase next week. Sign up HERE to be the first to know when tickets are available. As I said, space is limited and I want to make sure you get your spot. So pre-register now! We look forward to seeing you on December 15th! |
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| The Family Beacon Podcast - Season 1, Episode 16: Election Results a Bad Omen for President Biden and the Left |
|  | Neck-and-neck VA governor’s race ends in a WIN for children and schools. Pro-life Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin has won the election and will promote truth & abolish CRT in public schools. In addition, Minneapolis FAILS to defund police in a vote of 56-44. Finally, the Supreme Court hears oral arguments against the Texas Heartbeat Law. All this on more on TFB this week! Get the facts, stand for truth! |
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| Election Results: Voters Reject Radical Ideology and Vote Pro-Family! |
|  | Earlier this week voters here in Minnesota and across the U.S. headed to the polls to vote in local elections. The results were encouraging and showed voters rejecting radical ideology and embracing pro-family candidates, instead! Leading up to the election, it became clear that many of these races, including Virginia’s gubernatorial race, were a referendum on radical education policies that have been gaining momentum around the country. The results are in and voters have made it clear — parents matter! During his campaign, former Governor Terry McAuliffe insisted, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what to teach.” Virginian voters made it clear that they believe parents’ voices are important when they elected pro-life and pro-family candidate Glenn Youngkin instead. Joseph Backholm of Family Research Council commented, Parents are an interest group now. It’s hard to overstate how good this news is. Candidates will now have to be prepared to answer questions about who should be in charge of curriculum, parents or bureaucrats…Ten years from now education could look very different than it does today. If that happens, we’ll look back to tonight as the moment it all started and we’ll all be better for it. Here in Minnesota, voters in the Anoka-Hennepin school district, the state’s largest school district, elected Matt Audette to the school board. Audette has pledged to ensure the privacy and safety of all students in changing rooms, showers, and restrooms, keep sexually explicit material out of the classroom, provide fiscally responsible leadership, and keep critical race theory out of schools. Parents, not the government are the ones who are entrusted with ultimate authority over their children’s education. That’s why it’s so important to have pro-parent, pro-family leaders on local school boards! This week’s election results show that parents are standing up to radical ideology in their children’s classrooms here in Minnesota and around the nation! |
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| Heritage Foundation: Biden Administration’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Will Not Stand |
|  | Via The Heritage Foundation WASHINGTON—The U.S. Department of Labor today released its emergency rule imposing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on private employers. The rule sets a Jan. 4, 2022, deadline for employers with more than 100 workers to require they get the COVID-19 vaccine or weekly testing. The Heritage Foundation hosted an event on Biden’s general COVID-19 vaccine mandate Thursday featuring U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Heritage senior fellow Doug Badger and senior legal research fellow Paul Larkin, and Dr. Martin Makary, professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Click here to watch video from the event. Heritage’s Badger and Larkin released the following statement Thursday in response to the Labor Department’s rule. “The requirements that have come out from the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration are way out of its authority. This rule will not withstand legal scrutiny. “As we have detailed in a comprehensive legal analysis, Congress did not grant OSHA any authority to establish a vaccine mandate. Even the Health and Human Services Department, which has regulatory jurisdiction over vaccines, does not have the authority to issue a general, nationwide vaccine mandate. “The Biden administration is way out of bounds on this inappropriate overreach of government decision-making. Our nation has dealt with other pandemics, including polio and smallpox for which we have vaccines, without ever imposing a general vaccine mandate. Bonus: The Wall Street Journal reports that 11 states have joined a lawsuit against the Biden Administration's vaccine mandate. |
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| Reality Student Apologetics Conference - Minneapolis - November 12-13 |
|  | NOVEMBER 12–13, 2021 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN From the organizers: We see it every day. Gender confusion, racial turmoil, and human inequality. It’s a disorder of ideas. It’s chaos. That’s why this year we’re bringing an ancient truth to speak into the world we live in. We’re bringing clarity to make sense of the confusion. Don’t miss this conference as we show how Christianity can move our culture from chaos to clarity. |
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|  | GiveMN is an amazing way to support Minnesota Family Institute. You have a chance to help us meet our fundraising goal by November 18 by clicking GIVE NOW below! |
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|  | Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you? You can support LIFE, FAMILY, and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM while you shop by clicking here (smile.amazon.com/ch/41-1439560) or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Minnesota Family Institute. Bookmark Amazon Smile in your browser so that Amazon will donate every time you make a purchase! |
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| | Get the Parent Resource Guide Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today: |
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| | Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families, communities and culture through Christ. As we rise to meet challenges at the state and federal level, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support. For life, family, and religious freedom, |
| John Helmberger, CEO Minnesota Family Council and Institute |
| | Minnesota Family Council 2855 Anthony Lane S, Suite 150 | Minneapolis, Minnesota 55418-3265 612-789-8811 | [email protected] |
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