Your representative isn’t doing anything to turn out the vote? OK, we will.

Ground Game Texas


If I asked you which areas of Texas we need to prioritize politically, my guess is you wouldn’t say cities where Democrats win Congressional races year in and year out.

After all, we like to think of these areas as “safe districts” — where officeholders don’t have to worry about their fates in general elections. All they have to do is win their party’s nomination in the primary and sit back and wait for re-election, instead of working to inspire and turn out voters.

But there’s a big problem with that. When the well-known officeholders in these “safe districts” don’t spend money to get out the vote, when they don’t hire canvassers and recruit volunteers and make calls and knock doors, that hurts the state overall by driving down turnout — and it hurts these communities with high concentrations of working class people, Black people, and Hispanic people because their voices aren’t being heard.

We know how to change this broken approach to politics in Texas, friend. But we rely on grassroots donors like you to make our work possible.

Ground Game Texas is creating local, issue-based organizing programs in “safe districts” across the state, which are too often politically taken for granted. Help us fight for EVERY Texas voter by chipping in $5 or more now to support our work.

Support Ground Game Texas

Here’s our message to voters in safe districts: Your representative isn’t doing anything to get out the vote? Ok, then we will.

Ground Game Texas hires canvassers to knock doors year round. We work with local organizations to put progressive issues on City ballots — to make sure that people all around Texas have something to vote for. And we don’t take years off.

We can’t afford a “safe district” mentality. We can’t be passive in any community. Every vote counts in Texas. And we’re going to fight for every single one of them.

People in “safe districts” Texas are not safe at all — they’re vulnerable because their voices are being discounted. You can help change how we do politics in Texas by investing just $5 or more in our work, which leaves no voter behind.

If we’re going to drive enough progressive turnout to change politics in Texas, we need to do the work to help more voters to participate EVERYWHERE — in rural communities, in small towns you’ve never heard of before, and yes, in “safe” Democratic hubs like Houston, Austin, and San Antonio.

Thank you for investing in the real work in Texas,

Mike Siegel