Protect the Gulf: Need your help by Nov 7 to stop this oil export project


Dear John,

The last thing the Texas coast and the Gulf of Mexico need now is a massive oil exports project. But that’s what greedy oil giants Enterprise and Enbridge are racing to build off the Brazoria County coast. The Sea Port Oil Terminal (some call it SPOT) would pollute the air, communities, Gulf Coast waters and contribute to climate change. MARAD (the US Maritime Administration) and the US Coast Guard are taking comments until November 7 (this Sunday). Please help stop this oil export terminal.  

Submit a comment to MARAD and the US Coast Guard today! 

The Sea Port Oil Terminal would include a massive crude oil storage facility, onshore and offshore pipelines through Harris and Brazoria counties, and an oil export terminal of the Brazoria county coast. The project would move a massive 85,000 barrels of oil an hour or 2 million a day to load onto  Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs), the largest ships on earth. 

The Sea Port Oil Terminal would emit air pollution responsible for climate change, zone pollution, and harmful volatile organic compounds. These pollutants would increase already high pollution levels in local communities and contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Submit a comment today!

The US Maritime Administration and US Coast Guard are accepting comments on SPOT’S draft general conformity determination. But only until November 7. This is our chance to tell MARAD and the Coast Guard that this massive export project’s air emissions are an unacceptable threat to local health, the Gulf Coast, and a livable future. Submitting comments only takes a moment.

Please click here to send a comment today.

In Solidarity,

Anaïs Peterson, Earthworks

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