Dear John
I’m in Glasgow for the UN climate summit (COP26). As we reach the end of week one I’d like to give you my take on a few of the headlines. And remind you about this Saturday’s day of action and digital rally.
The story that’s grabbed the most headlines is the declaration to end global deforestation. I’m certainly not going to argue with the aim of ending it – who would?! But I can’t help being a little sceptical. This has been promised before. Yet deforestation has accelerated and environmental defenders are still being murdered for protecting precious eco-systems.
It’s going to need people everywhere to hold world leaders to their promises and make sure they deliver real action. Why not start right now by getting involved in the day of action this Saturday, either at your nearest event or by joining the digital rally?
Millions of people around the world will be taking part, and it’d be great if you can join them.
IMPORTANT: The march from the Bank of England to Trafalgar Square in London will go ahead as planned from 12pm tomorrow, but please keep an eye on social media to check that the 3pm rally in Trafalgar Square is still able to go ahead.
We did get some good news this morning.
20 countries and banks have just committed to ending public financing of coal, oil and gas, following the UK’s own commitment last March. The UK announcement was a massive win for the climate movement, including many of you. So it’s great to see more countries following suit.
Our next task is to close as many loopholes as possible. And here in the UK that has to include the government withdrawing its funding for a massive gas project in Mozambique. The fact that the project was planned just before the government’s commitment to end such funding is no excuse.
It's great to hear methane, a potent greenhouse gas, finally being identified as a problem after being largely ignored at previous climate summits. But the new target isn’t in line with keeping global temperature rises below 1.5 degrees. And while governments have rightly identified the need to move away from industrial agriculture and reduce meat consumption, they seem to have overlooked that phasing out oil and gas would cut loads of methane and carbon emissions.
Again, we have to see this pledge as a starting point. And do everything we can over the coming months to demand greater ambition and bolder action.
If you’re free this Saturday, it’ll be a great opportunity to join together with others to do just that.
Finally, everything you might have heard about the summit being disorganised and inaccessible is true. This is my fourth UN climate summit and it’s the most shambolic yet. Negotiations have had to be delayed because of 2-hour queues to get in, the online negotiation platform has failed for many delegates (so important during the pandemic) and the venue isn’t wheelchair accessible.
I’m going to be here in Glasgow right up until the end of the talks so I’m hoping that with the world leaders gone and the negotiators left, we can get stuck into the all-important details without so many hiccups. And that everyone's voice can be heard.
I’ll be in touch again soon.
Climate Campaigner