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The latest: Earlier today, Iranian state media
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reported that the regime has increased its stockpile of enriched uranium — just a small distance from 90 percent weapons grade.
Context: "Only nuclear weapons states are capable of this level of enrichment," according to the spokesman for Iran’s nuclear agency.
This latest nuclear escalation comes following the
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announcement of resumed nuclear negotiations with Iran in Vienna on Nov. 29.
Our view: America must articulate and implement five principles:
Iran must never be allowed to achieve a nuclear weapons capability.
Talks cannot stretch on endlessly, enabling Tehran’s nuclear advances.
Iran must face increased pressure if it won’t halt its program.
Reducing restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program is unacceptable.
The concerns of international inspectors must be resolved.
We have sent
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this memo detailing these principles to congressional offices.
Below are more key news items from the week.
Brian Shankman
Chief Strategy Director for National Affairs
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Israel: A World Leader in the Fight Against Climate Change
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Israel is an American ally in the fight against climate change.
This week, Israeli Prime Minister Bennett and other Israeli ministers joined world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
In Bennett's opening remarks, he said:
"Let's be real, Israel is a small our carbon footprint may be small, but our impact on climate change can be mighty."
“As the country with the most start-ups per capita in the world, we must channel our efforts to saving our world,”
"We must work for the resilience of tomorrow; Where our children will breathe cleaner air, drink cleaner water and live in a world that treats the planet better than we did."Prior to the event, Bennett and Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar
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pledged to raise Israel's emissions reduction target to zero net emissions by 2050.
The Israeli government also
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created a climate change task force and approved a new program to address the global threat of climate change.
The big picture: Strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship helps us address 21st-century challenges.
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It is through the generosity of our members that AIPAC works to help make Israel more secure by ensuring a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.
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Palestinians Reject Israeli Court Offer to Stay in Sheikh Jarrah Homes
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The latest: At the urging of the Palestinian leadership, Palestinian residents have refused a generous compromise offered by the Israeli Supreme Court to stay in their homes if they chose to.
Context: Palestinian residents face potential eviction through a court proceeding because they have refused to pay rent to the legal property owners.
What was the offer? The Court offered to place Palestinian residents in the status of "protected tenants" for at least 15 years while maintaining their legal rights in the future.
The bottom line: By forcing Palestinian families to reject compromise with Israel, Palestinian leaders are making clear that their primary concern is exacerbating the conflict for political purposes.
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America and Israel Advance Bilateral Cooperation
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America's partnership with Israel helps keep both countries safer and better prepared for future challenges.
In Israel this week:
The Israeli Defense Force and U.S. Naval Forces Central Command began
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conducting a bilateral amphibious exercise in Israel.
Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jets
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escorted a U.S. Air Force heavy bomber through the region as part of a Presence Patrol as it made its way to the Persian Gulf, in an implicit threat to Iran and to deliver a clear message of reassurance to our allies.
An aircraft carrier with hundreds of U.S. service members
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arrived in Israel for a two-week joint multi-force training.And in the U.S., Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Heidi Shyu
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established the U.S.-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group to strengthen defense, science and technological cooperation between the Department of Defense and Israel's Ministry of Defense.
AIPAC educated and engaged lawmakers on this important pro-Israel initiative.
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The mission of AIPAC is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel.
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