Weekly Reads
“Upbuilding is what happens when infrastructure is defined expansively, centering humans and communities, and with a strong equity, anti-oppressive lens. Upbuilding requires having the willingness and imagination to question why things are the way they are, whether they serve or oppress, and whether they can be done differently. In short, upbuilding means building something new and different as opposed to recovering and going back to ‘normal.’” [more]
Tiloma Jayasinghe, Community Resource Exchange, for Nonprofit Quarterly
“Investing in leaders has long been one of Barr's core values and a central focus of our work. But over the past year, we have seen even more clearly the imperative to invest in leadership and to do so in different ways, centered more squarely on racial equity. To address the urgent challenges we face in Barr’s focus areas of Arts & Creativity, Education, and Climate, or in any of the many areas in which we need major change, we don’t just need more programs or more funding. We need new models and approaches, with people at the center.” [more]
Roger Nozaki, Barr Foundation
“Shifting to more inclusive approaches is sometimes uncomfortable, but it is essential to philanthropy’s progress toward shifting power to community and organization leaders. When we developed our equity, diversity, and inclusion statement and approach to gather demographic data from funding applicants, we asked for grantee partner input. Their feedback raised considerations we hadn’t thought of and even flagged potential biases in how we had framed our questions.” [more]
Monica Munn, World Education Services & WES Mariam Assefa Fund, for Center for Effective Philanthropy