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Red Wave

A political shockwave occurred earlier this week in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Not only did Glenn Youngkin win to become Virginia’s first GOP governor in 10 years, the Republican Party had a clean sweep. That a solid conservative like Glenn Youngkin was able to win in a deep blue state like Virginia is a testament to a couple things. First, of course, Youngkin is a great candidate who ran a great campaign focused on issues people in his state cared about. But, also, it’s a complete repudiation of the failed policies of Democrats at the state and federal level. It’s hard to look at the results of this year’s elections and see any good news for Joe Biden and his handlers, Pelosi, Schumer, and the other Democrats in power in Washington. Heck, we came very close to having a Republican governor win in New Jersey! What happened earlier this week shows that Americans are tired of the division, leftist, failed policies of the Democrat Party and are poised to elect more and more common sense conservatives.

But it won’t happen automatically, and we can’t take any vote or any campaign for granted. The policies are on our side. The energy and enthusiasm is on our side. If we work together and work hard, like we’ve always done come election time, I know Indiana will do our part to keep the momentum going and make sure the Red Wave that is coming in 2022 includes the Hoosier State!


Photo: Chairman Hupfer visits with members of the Indiana GOP team who volunteered to phone bank for Virginia gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin. Hoosier volunteers made over 60,000 calls for Team Youngkin’s successful campaign.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Building One Indiana For All

On Halloween, Governor Holcomb handed out candy to trick-or-treaters at the residence. Thank you to Albanese Candy and Zachary Confections for donating the candy to help make it a special night for Hoosier families.

Governor Holcomb announced that nearly $102 million in Community Crossings grants have been awarded to 218 community partners across the state. Through this program, we are able to help Hoosier communities complete vital infrastructure projects.

Governor Holcomb received his flu shot from Dr. Box. Getting your flu shot is a great way to protect yourself and others from the flu. For more information and to learn where you can get your shot, click here:

Photos: Gov. Holcomb high-fiving a trick-or-treater. Gov. Holcomb awarding Community Crossings grants. Gov. Holcomb receiving his flu shot.


Gov. Holcomb Responds to Biden Vaccine Mandate

Governor Holcomb offered the following statement in response to OSHA publishing the emergency temporary standard (ETS) which mandates companies with 100 employees or more require the COVID-19 vaccine or weekly testing:

“I direct the Indiana Department of Labor to work with the Attorney General on a lawsuit challenging the federal government regarding the OSHA ETS. This is an overreach of the government’s role in serving and protecting Hoosiers. While I agree that the vaccine is the tool that will best protect against COVID-19, this federal government approach is unprecedented and will bring about harmful, unintended consequences in the supply chain and the workforce.”


Chairman Hupfer Statement on Biden Mandate Overreach

Kyle Hupfer, who serves as Chairman of the Indiana Republican Party and General Counsel of the Republican National Committee issued this statement on the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate guidelines for private businesses:

“Joe Biden talked down vaccines during the campaign, promised to shut down the virus, and said vaccine mandates were not a policy he would pursue. Fast forward to today, and now he wants to put hard working Americans out of work if they refuse to take the vaccine. Make no mistake, I firmly believe the vaccines are safe, effective, and the best way to protect you and your families from COVID-19. However, the federal government has zero authority to force private business to impose this mandate on their employees. I applaud the RNC, Governor Holcomb, and other leaders throughout the country who are fighting this unlawful overreach.”


Tera Klutz Announces Reelection

Auditor of State Tera Klutz announced her bid for reelection earlier this week. Successes under Auditor Klutz’s leadership include Indiana earning national recognition for improved government transparency, managing Indiana’s financial systems throughout the pandemic, and improved efficiencies and cost saving measures in the state’s bill paying process. The State of Indiana has maintained a Triple A credit rating from all rating agencies throughout Klutz’s term. Auditor Klutz has prioritized recruiting more CPAs onto the auditor’s team and continues to prioritize the safety and security of taxpayer funds.

“Hoosiers have seen the difference the first CPA to hold the auditor’s office has made. Tera Klutz is a great auditor for the State of Indiana and I’m thrilled she’s gearing up to run for another term. The Indiana Republican Party looks forward to supporting her efforts and helping her win another four years.” -Chairman Kyle Hupfer.


NRCC Adds HD 1 to Target List

The Red Wave that started in Virginia and New Jersey earlier this week has expanded the map of possible Republican House picks. The NRCC is adding Indiana’s 1st Congressional District to their list of targets!

Read the NRCC's update here:


Big Win in Virginia

Virginia Republicans won big on Tuesday, led by Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin. This was an all-hands-on-deck effort and members of our Indiana GOP team volunteered to help Virginia Republicans get the vote out. We made over 60,000 calls to help get out the vote for Team Youngkin. The total victory in Virginia this week sets the stage for more Republican victories in 2022!

Upcoming Republican Events
November 5: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
November 5: Fayette County GOP Chili & Soup Supper
November 8: IFCR Fall Dinner
November 8: Warrick County Lincoln Day Dinner


News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb passes out candy to trick-or-treaters at the residence
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch attends Freedom Isn't Free brunch in Newburgh
Treasurer Kelly Mitchell speaks with the Ball state Economic Club
Auditor Tera Klutz announces reelection
Secretary of State Holli Sullivan congratulates Kris Mueller for being our 2021 Election Hero
Attorney General Todd Rokita calls on congress to reject measures that would increase energy costs
Senator Todd Young celebrates Indianapolis International Airport's continued success
Senator Mike Braun is leading an official challenge against Biden's vaccine mandate
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski criticizes Dems for inflation and workforce shortages
Congressman Jim Banks criticizes mobilization of FBI against school parents
Congressman Jim Baird criticizes Biden's supply chain crisis
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz attended the 2021 Budget Ball
Congressman Greg Pence visits Marine Corp Base Quantico
Congressman Larry Bucshon provides statement on Virginia Gubernatorial election
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth tours IBC Advanced Alloys' new expansion

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