I have some important news to share: Sabato’s Crystal Ball just moved Michael Bennet’s Senate race closer to a “toss-up.”

This comes just after Democrats in Virginia lost the governor’s race for the first time since 2009 — setting the stage for competitive and expensive midterm races across the nation, including here in Colorado.

Mitch McConnell only needs to flip one seat to reclaim the Senate majority, and Tuesday's election proved that it’s possible. If we’re going to protect Michael’s seat — and our entire majority with it — we need to meet this moment with the same energy that led our campaign to victory last year.

So, will you rush a split donation of $10 to support Michael Bennet’s re-election campaign and keep Colorado blue? This is an all-hands-on-deck situation, folks. That’s why your support is so important right now.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper will go through immediately:

Thanks for chipping in today.

— John