Click here to watch the video.

Victory! Texas Voted For Statewide Religious Freedom

Victory! On November 2nd, voters made their way out to the polling centers all across this great state of Texas, and they made sure their voices were heard. Texas Proposition 3, the religious freedom amendment, passed with 62.42% support statewide. The ballot included Texas Proposition 3 (SJR 27) that focuses on prohibiting any state or political entity the legal right to shut down churches, religious organizations, and places of worship. Now, Texas law will protect churches from being shutdown by the government at any time or for any reason. Texas has definitely spoken and now Proposition 3 will become part of Article I of the Texas Constitution.

Thank you Senator Kelly Hancock and Representative Jeff Leach who carried Proposition 3 through the Legislature in order to have it on this year's Constitutional Amendments Election Ballot.

For more information on Proposition 3, click this link and to see the breakdown of the election results click here.

SCOTUS Hears Oral Arguments For Texas Heartbeat Law 

On Monday, November 1, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton invited Texas Values President Jonathan Saenz and Policy and Communications Advisor Arina Grossu, and other coalition groups to participate in a press briefing in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, in support of the Texas Heartbeat law, S.B. 8, following the oral arguments.

Many state and national leaders attended the press briefing at the Supreme Court in support of the Heartbeat Law. Senator Bryan Hughes, the author of the Heartbeat Law was in attendance, as well as, Texas State Representative Shelby Slawson, State Representative Valoree Swanson, Senator Donna Campbell and Senator Angela Paxton. 

Many other groups were there showing support of the Heartbeat Law, including members of Students for Life and Penny Young Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA) with members of her team.

To watch the press briefing, click here


State Board of Education Will Be Voting On Health Textbooks In Schools

The State Board of Education (SBOE) will be taking a final vote on the textbooks for Heath education for public school students in the state of Texas during their meeting on November 16-19th. Last year, the board did an excellent job in listening to over 17,000 parents and keeping LGBT ideology, abortion and comprehensive sex education out of the Health Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). However, the board must choose textbooks that align with the new standards. Two of the textbooks contain contact completely opposite of the TEKS adopted and contain materials on LGBT issues and comprehensive sex education. Human Kinetics is one of the books of concern as it contains material teaching kids about gender identity by telling students to become LGBT allies and encouraging them to explore their own gender identity. The other book, Lessonbee, contains stories of middle schoolers engaging in sexual activity. These books are being used to teach  middle schoolers sexually inappropriate, and even pornographic material.

There is hope yet, as the publisher Goodheart Wilcox proposed a textbook that meets the new standards and does not contain the same graphic and obscene language as the other books do.  You can view textbook samples here.

Please contact the SBOE and let them know that you do not want them to adopt Lessonbee or Human Kinetics for Health textbooks. To email the members of the State Board of Education, click here.

Click the button below to read an article that includes examples of inappropriate content directly from two books mentioned above, Lessonbee and Human Kinetics.


2021 Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Gala Guest Speaker: Eric Metaxas

Tickets and tables are going fast for our Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Gala on Saturday, November 6th in Houston at The Westin Houston, Memorial City! You will not want to miss hearing from our keynote speaker Eric Metaxas, #1 Bestseller on New York Times and host of The Eric Metaxas Show

And the latest update... We are also excited to announce that Texas Senator Bryan Hughes will be a special guest and will share an important update on the state of Texas.

Our Texas Faith, Family, & Freedom Gala will also feature:

·        Honoring of 2021 Kelly Shackelford Award Recipient  

·        Honoring of 2021 Faith & Family Champions 

This will be a very special evening where you will be encouraged by the work that Texas Values and Texas Values Action are doing to advance faith, family, and freedom across Texas. We hope you can join us!


Mark Your Calendars!

Dallas-Fort Worth on Wednesday, December 8, 2021

SAVE THE DATE! Our 2021 Dallas-Fort Worth Luncheon will be at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano, Texas on December 8th. We are excited to announce our special guest speaker will be Pro-Life Advocate and Leader, Abby Johnson.

You will get a timely update from our President Jonathan Saenz and the Texas Values Policy Team about the 2021 Texas Legislative Sessions and important preview of the upcoming 2022 Elections. 

Last Week on Texas Values Report: Texas State Representative Jeff Leach

Texas State Representative Jeff Leach, District 67, Joins Host Jonathan Saenz

On last week's show, Texas State Representative Jeff Leach, District 67 joined host, Jonathan Saenz, to talk about  the Constitutional Amendment Proposition 3 that protects religious freedom. Watch here.


Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


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900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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