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What a moment!

Dear John,

I’m so pleased and proud to share
a video that Vice President Kamala Harris made for FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE!

Because of our longstanding relationship and shared commitment to ending domestic and sexual violence and violence against children, FUTURES asked the Vice President to help us kick off the groundbreaking dialogues we are sponsoring with our incredible partners, Ujima: The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community, Women Transforming Families, and Latinos United for Peace and Equity. These vitally important dialogues are amplifying the voices of domestic violence survivors from communities of color who have been revictimized by the child welfare system and setting the stage for transformative change.

In the new video, Vice President Harris lauds and encourages this work. She shares the Administration’s commitment to building a nation in which survivors are fully supported, domestic violence is never tolerated, and all people can live free from the fear of violence. And she talks about the provisions in the Build Back Better agenda that will increase economic security for women and families, increase funding for domestic violence and sexual assault services, and more. FUTURES is working hard to support the Build Back Better plan because it will do so much to protect and support families!

I hope you can take a few minutes to view the video (which is on our homepage, and that it inspires you as much as it inspires all of us.

Thank you for your support and for making all this possible!

In solidarity,

Kiersten Stewart,
Director of Public Policy and Advocacy

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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