Hey folks,

Jon’s back in Washington after another productive trip through Montana. He’s been busy talking to folks across the state and working on bringing local Montanans’ concerns and priorities back to the halls of Congress.

But of course, Jon’s only one guy and can’t be in every corner of the state at the same time. It’s why we send out these surveys at the start of each month — to give every single one of you a chance to let Jon know what you care about. 

It’s important to Jon and our team that we are fighting for working families and regular folks — not big donors with seven-figure checks. 

Hearing directly from you about the issues you discuss at your kitchen table helps us do just that. 

So folks, will you take a few minutes to fill out our survey and tell us what’s on your mind?


Thanks for taking the time to make your voice heard. Your thoughts matter to the whole team so we can fight for your top priorities in the Senate.

Thanks again,

Team Tester