Dear friend, Treating the root causes of violence, rather than the symptoms, is the most effective way to address humanitarian crises and build peaceful, productive communities around the world. That’s why Mercy Corps helped develop the Global Fragility Act (GFA). Enacted into law in December 2019, the bipartisan GFA can help communities prevent and respond to violence and conflict before they worsen. But in order to implement the GFA, it needs to be funded by Congress. Thousands of Mercy Corps supporters spoke up and urged their legislators to pass the GFA in 2019 — and Congress listened. With your support, we can make our voices heard once again: Sign our petition calling on Congress to fully fund the GFA. Our goal is to deliver 3,500 signatures to lawmakers to demonstrate the strength of support for the GFA.
In Uganda, women sing peace songs to prepare for a dialogue session with a neighboring community. Mercy Corps facilitates these sessions so people can voice grievances and work together to find peaceful resolutions.
The U.S. government is in the process of selecting the first five countries to receive diplomatic assistance to help reverse these trends. With millions of lives affected by violence globally and conflict worsening, we cannot afford any delays. Can we count on you to be one of the 3,500 humanitarians urging Congress to fund the GFA? I know these global crises can feel immense and overwhelming — but this is a simple step we can all take to support real peacebuilding solutions. Thank you for taking action today and for sharing our belief that a safer, healthier world is possible. Sincerely,
Richmond believes that making our global community members’ voices heard in the halls of power is essential for advancing foreign policies that put equity, civilian protection, and humanitarian action first.