Pressure from NumbersUSA members paying off Moderate Democrats in Congress plead with their leaders to drop illegal alien amnesty from the reconciliation spending bill . . . . . . but Senate Democratic leaders still pushing ahead with their "Plan C" amnesty plan Even $3 can help us turn up the heat even more!
Dear John, NumbersUSA's political action methods work. That's why no major amnesty has become law during the 21st century. This week the superb political news source Punchbowl News reported that moderate Democrats in the House of Representatives do NOT want to vote for a reconciliation amnesty. From Tuesday: "Moderates are now expressing serious concerns that could threaten progress on the reconciliation package. They're privately griping about immigration provisions that may be added to the $1-trillion plus proposal. Some want an official Congressional Budget Office score before voting for the measure. This came to a head last night during a meeting of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition." And again from Punchbowl: "Democratic leaders could try to add the immigration provisions to the House version of the reconciliation package and then let it get stripped out on the Senate side, but that could make moderates -- who are already getting hit by Republicans over the problems at the U.S.-Mexico border -- face a politically tough vote. Democrats have a problem here that needs a resolution." From Politico Monday: "Immigration is by far the most volatile issue in the House, where Pelosi can only afford to lose three Democrats on the final vote. At least three Latino Democrats have threatened to oppose any social spending bill that doesn't include immigration policy. But a much larger group of moderates including many of the caucus's most vulnerable members have said they would tank the bill if contentious immigration provisions are included." So why are the moderate House Democrats saying they will "tank the bill" if it contains an amnesty? Easy! It's because NumbersUSA members have spoken up very loudly. They've been extremely busy writing and telephoning their members of Congress, many of whom are moderate Democrats, demanding that the final bill have NO amnesty in it. Not "Plan A", not "Plan B", and certainly not the new "Plan C"! Congress responds to pressure applied by their constituents back home. NumbersUSA has thousands of activists in every Congressional district. We apply the heat. Please donate so we can turn up the heat even more!
Yet so far, the Senate's Democratic leaders are ignoring these moderate voices... They say they will submit their "Plan C" parole amnesty proposal to the Senate Parliamentarian to see if Senate rules will allow inclusion of this latest proposal in a reconciliation budget bill. This amnesty would cover most working-age illegal aliens. Other elements include green cards to import hundreds of thousands of more workers. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-AR, blasted "Plan C" and the Democrats' entire immigration liberalization scheme in a FoxNews op-ed published Monday: "No provision is more pernicious than the immigration proposal pushed by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill... His most recent proposal would ... grant full public benefits to millions of illegal aliens and grant five-year 'amnesty passes' for illegal border crossers... "Once legalized, these millions of illegal aliens will naturally seek legitimate employment and take positions that would otherwise be filled by American citizens and lawful immigrants. Working-class Americans would disproportionately suffer as a result of this policy. "These proposals ... would exacerbate the worst border crisis in American history. Last year, a record 1.7 million illegal aliens were encountered at the border and hundreds of thousands of additional illegal immigrants escaped into the interior of our country. These amnesty and reparation proposals would cause a further meltdown at the border by sending the unmistakable message that crime pays." The crisis on the border helped fuel immigration returning to front-and-center as a political issue. At first, the Democrats' leadership and their allies in the mainstream media tried to say there was no border surge . . . Then they tried to blame the border surge on the last administration . . . Then they tried to say it was a momentary blip that would go away . . . But, of course, none of that was true. As Sen. Cotton said, 1.7 MILLION illegal aliens were caught crossing the border in fiscal year 2021. That is the highest on record!! What caused it? First, Pres. Biden hanging out a welcome sign but crippling immigration enforcement. Second, Congress considering a mass amnesty that makes people in other countries feel that illegal immigration to the U.S. has zero consequences. The good news is that through the pressure NumbersUSA and our members are putting on Congress, moderate Democrats are finally speaking up AGAINST an amnesty. What can you spare to hold Washington accountable? What can you give to make Democracy work? One hundred dollars? Twenty-five dollars? Can you give even three dollars this month? Please give now. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. |