Friends -

Until our elections are publicly financed, the truth is that far too many politicians are beholden to their donors.

For the vast majority of candidates, that means some combination of super PACs, billionaires, health insurance executives, and other people relentlessly trying to buy our elections and our government.

For Bernie, that means he’s beholden to 1 million donors.

The wealthy and powerful have always bought our government. Now it’s the working class’s turn.

As we face our end-of-month fundraising deadline on Thursday, please know that it is because this is our chance to take back our government from the billionaire class. So that’s why we are asking now:

Can you please make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign now? Each contribution is an investment in Bernie, in our campaign, and in our country’s future.

The first step to transforming our country is transforming the way we win elections. Every contribution to our campaign is a way of doing just that.

Thank you for making your first one today if you can.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie