Partners, We are at a critical moment for our collective advocacy. Speaker Nancy Pelosi may bring the Build Back Better (BBB) Act to the House Floor for a vote as soon as tonight! As the package advances, it’s still important for members of Congress to hear directly from advocates and constituents; failure to pass this bill is not an option. The Build Back Better package makes tremendous progress toward changing our health system, and delivering affordable care and coverage to millions of America’s families. We must continue to keep the pressure on the House to pass the bill so it can go to the Senate and be signed by President Biden.

With a very narrow vote margin in the House, we cannot take any member for granted. In particular it is important that we shore up members who have indicated they may have concerns with the final bill. To that end, below is a list of the House members for whom reinforcement of our message is critical:

  • Ed Case (HI-01)
  • Jared Golden (ME-02)
  • Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05)
  • Stephanie Murphy (FL-07)
  • Scott Peters (CA-52)
  • Kathleen Rice (NY-04)
  • Kurt Schrader (OR-05)

In addition, please find resources below to continue pushing for BBB to pass the House:


And, while we are focused on advocacy efforts today, please don’t miss out on registering for the upcoming Health Action Conference in January, where administrative advocacy and implementation of the Build Back Better agenda will be a prime focus. More information can be found below.

As Build Back Better continues to move through Congress, Families USA will remain in touch. Please feel free to reach out with questions and feedback in the meantime.

To your health,
Tiana Rodriguez Strategic Partnerships Coordinator



Health Action Conference 2022

As a reminder, registration for Families USA’s Health Action Conference: Health Justice Now! is now open! 

Want to take a look at the experience? Check out our agenda to see our valuable, detailed, and in-depth Policy, Advocacy, and Communications workshops. 

We strongly believe in having a diversity of voice at our conference. If cost is a barrier to attending, consider applying for a scholarship. More information here

Got any questions? Feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected]

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Health Action Network

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