Nigel Farage wants to be an MP. We can stop him.

Take on Farage and his Brexit party.
Chip in to the General Election Fighting Fund today.

I'll chip in today

John - it's on.

Parliament has just voted for a General Election on December 12th.

Here's the bad news: Nigel Farage is ready.

He's been preparing for this election for months now. The Brexit Party is gearing up to get their candidates elected in seats across the country, securing a toehold on power for their dangerous and divisive views. Private polling for HOPE not hate shows something worrying: while they're polling around 10-12% nationally, the Brexit Party has a real chance of winning a handful of seats. They are within touching distance in those seats, and that's where we'll have to fight them.

Here's the good news: We're ready too.

We might not have the big bucks of Farage’s mates to bankroll our campaign, but we have got a mass-movement of activists - just like you, John - who know how dangerous Farage is, and are ready to do what it takes to stop him. That's why more than 1,000 people have already chipped in to our fighting fund to take him on.

Will you be one of them and be part of our General Election Fighting Fund? You'll be part of a massive movement of people to stop Nigel Farage winning a single seat in Parliament.

If you want to help stop the Brexit Party in seats across this country, chip in to support our General Election Fighting Fund.

I'll chip in now

Nick Lowles,
CEO, HOPE not hate

Published by HOPE not hate Ltd. PO Box 61382, London, N19 9EQ
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