Gun owners have been asking for this.
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Erich Pratt Speaking at DC Rally
Come out and show your support for gun rights on Saturday, November 2, and rally at the U.S. Capitol (WEST LAWN - National Mall Side).
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Come out to the 2A Rally in Washington
Dear John,
Gun owners have asked for it, and now it’s happening -- a chance to peaceably assemble in Washington DC to speak up for the Second Amendment.
And this rally comes at a critical time. Radical anti-gunners like Robert Francis O’Rourke are calling for confiscation of your AR-15s.
That’s why it’s important that gun owners send a strong message to officials in DC.
In fact, GOA’s Senior Vice President Erich Pratt will be speaking at this event.
So please come out November 2nd at 12:30pm at the U.S. Capitol.
This rally is not sponsored or organized by GOA. So for more information please visit [[link removed]].
In Liberty,
Jordan Stein
Director of Communications
P.S. Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends and urge them to take action. To renew your GOA membership or to join for the first time, please click here [[link removed]].
Gun Owners of America
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