
Last week, I was so honored to meet with a number of candidates running across the country to represent us in Congress. All of them are military veterans who’ve served our country in uniform and understand the concept of country over party.

Here are some of their pictures:

Kim Olson

Elissa Cardnell

Nikki Foster

Matt Rains

Hillary Mueri

These incredible leaders are committed to working on the issues that matter most to Americans across the country. From improving our health care system and lowering the cost of prescription drugs, to building an economy that works better for everyday Americans and their families -- these are the kind of leaders who are going to get us back on track.

When we win the White House in 2020, we’re going to need a strong Democratic Congress to write the legislation that takes our country forward.

John, all of the candidates I met last week are running in targeted districts that could flip blue next year, and some of them are trying to eke out strategic victories in deep-red parts of their states.

Can you rush a contribution before the end of October to make sure we can support new leaders in 2020?

With appreciation,
