In a letter to Attorney General Garland published in January, we explained that to preserve the rule of law, the Department of Justice must affirm that no one—not even a former president—is above the law. Yet while the DOJ has charged the low-level rioters who broke into the Capitol, it has not moved against the highly-placed leaders of the insurrection, including Trump himself.

Not only that, Garland has actively defended or continued many Trump-era DOJ policies, including the coverup of the key DOJ legal memo regarding Trump’s obstruction of justice, and defending Trump’s libel of a rape victim by claiming that he did so “within the scope of his office as President of the United States.”

The DOJ’s inaction—Garland’s inaction—endangers the rule of law. We are now calling on Attorney General Garland to resign from his post.

As long as Trump and his co-conspirators walk free, American democracy is in danger. We need an Attorney General who understands that danger and is willing to take action to protect democracy and the rule of law.

Sign if you agree: Attorney General Garland must resign.

In solidarity,

Ben Clements
Chairman and Senior Legal Advisor, Free Speech For People

Paid for by Free Speech For People
[email protected]

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