Updates from COP26. And physical and online ways to take action for climate justice No images? Click here Dear John, Less than 48 hours to go until the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice! And John, if ever there was a need for climate justice it is now. In fact, the climate justice movement is what’s keeping me going at the moment. The COP26 climate talks are underway and it’s been hard to stomach. Rich countries have failed to commit to their fair share of emission reductions. As a result, the climate action pledges submitted so far would leave us with 2.7 to 3 degrees of warming, far from the 1.5 degree limit we so badly need. Not only that, but rich countries have broken their promises to provide climate finance to help poorer countries deal with climate impacts and roll out their own climate action plans. (You can see Conor O Neill of Stop Climate Chaos member organisation, Christian Aid, speaking about this from Glasgow here.) Meanwhile a combination of vaccine apartheid, UK visa and accreditation regulations, unaffordable accommodation and changing travel rules have locked delegates and activists from the global South out of the talks. The voices of those who are most impacted by the climate crisis - and who bring the most ambitious demands to climate negotiations, have been silenced. At the same time hundreds of representatives from the world’s most reckless fossil fuel companies have managed to wiggle their way into COP26 where they will promote false solutions like carbon markets and offsetting, nature based solutions and loophole-ridden net zero pledges. John, we can’t stay silent in the face of such injustice. It’s time to raise our voices and demand climate justice. So are you with us? Despite all the bad news there is something different, more positive about the COP climate talks this year. Something which sets COP26 apart from the twenty five COPs that have come before it. People power. Despite a global pandemic, climate justice movements are building and growing all over the world. Demanding radical action and real solutions. In Ireland too the power of the climate movement is greater than ever before. The media have noticed and politicians have noticed. The amount of media coverage dedicated to climate change has skyrocketed. And it was interesting to hear a change in tone from the Taoiseach when he spoke to COP26 in Glasgow. Of course, words are one thing, action is quite something else. Our emission reduction targets need to be ramped up too - at the moment they are still far below our fair share of global action. To make that happen we’ve got to campaign harder than ever before. We’ve got to organise as activists and build our power. So will you join us on Saturday? And could you bring a friend or someone who's new to the climate movement with you? The march in Dublin is being organised by grassroots groups and trade unions in response to the call to action from the civil society COP26 Coalition in the UK. People from Stop Climate Chaos member organisations will be meeting outside the Hugh Lane gallery at 12 noon this Saturday so that we can join the march together. You’d be really welcome to join us too John! No matter where you take action on Saturday, whether it’s on the streets or online, don’t forget to take some photos to tweet or email to your local TDs. Hashtags will include #GlobalDayofAction for #ClimateJustice and #COP26. If you fancy making some placards for the action day you might like to check out the COP26 coalition’s global demands and messaging guide here for some ideas on placard demands or slogans. Can’t make it on the 6th? There are COP26 action opportunities on other days too! The COP26 Coalition in the UK is holding a People's Summit for Climate Justice from the 7th to the 10th November. They’ve an exciting programme of events, some of which you can join online. View the programme and register for events here. Here's to a great day of action for climate justice on Saturday! In solidarity, Deirdre Communications Support, Stop Climate Chaos ![]() Stop Climate Chaos is a coalition of civil society organizations campaigning to ensure Ireland does its fair share to tackle the causes and consequences of climate change. |