Dear John -

November is going to be a big month for CCL! We have our annual conference and lobby week, and we look forward to seeing you there (as a result of these events, we won't be having a chapter meeting this month). The fight for a Price on Carbon continues, and now it's more urgent than ever that we ensure Congress is doing all it can. Join us - it's going to be a productive month. 


Connect with CCL members from around the world as we hold our annual conference - learn what our organization has been pursuing and what's next for us! After our two day conference is concluded we'll be doing what we do best, lobbying Congress for political action. This training is recommended if you're interested in lobbying. We need your voice and your effort to help persuade lawmakers that we can't wait any longer for climate solutions. 

Conference Dates: November 13th-14th 
RSVP for the November Conference
We're headed back to the Lincoln Memorial to step up our push for a price on carbon in Budget Reconciliation. We are centering this event on the theme of WHAT GIVES YOU HOPE. 

What: Climate Outreach to Visitors at Lincoln Memorial
When: November 6; 10am-2pm (2 hour shifts)
Where: Lincoln Memorial

New volunteers are welcome--we'll provide training. And those who don't like to be outgoing can click the link to see ways they can help behind the scenes.

By reaching out to DC visitors about climate change, we typically reach people from dozens of states and a strong mix of Republican and Democratic districts. Will you join us to scale up the conversation on climate action?
RSVP for Outreach at Lincoln


Learn how to communicate effectively regarding the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act. We'll facilitate a review of the organizational statements made on the Act, discuss CCL's ongoing plan for outreach to non-profit organizations at the national and local level, and go over recommendations to talk about the bill with progressive groups.

When: Tuesday November 30th, 2021 8:00pm-9:00 EST

RSVP for Core Volunteer Training
Are you interested in becoming a leader in CCL? Do you want to be a bigger part of the fight for climate solutions? Join the Emerging Group Leader call to find out more about how you can make a bigger difference! 

When: Tuesday November 30th 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST 
RSVP for the Emerging Group Leader Call
  Interested in expanding your knowledge on the climate crisis? You can learn more about how climate change is affecting the world around us by visiting United Included here are a variety of reports that cover such topics as the science of climate change, the social repercussions of the climate crisis, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected this fight. 
Help lobby for climate solutions: National CCL events: If you're missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar.  

DC chapter events: As always, keep up with our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page at:
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