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Happy Thursday! Do you hear that sound? It's the RED WAVE [[link removed]] coming to a state near you. Join us LIVE at 8am MST [[link removed]] for the COVID response hearing with Dr. Fauci
Here are six keys to the GOP's successes [[link removed]]in this mid-term election.
Virginia hadn't elected a Republican in 12 years. How did Youngkin win? [[link removed]] Congrats to Virginia for electing their first woman Lt. Governor [[link removed]]!
Pelosi has added paid family leave [[link removed]] back into the Dem Spending Spree. Manchin still opposes it.
Biden has rescinded another Trump-era rule [[link removed]] that limits the processing of asylum-seekers at the border.
My favorite Governor, Ron DeSantis has dubbed the mess in D.C. the 'Brandon Administration [[link removed]]'.
Your funny for the day! Did the dogs get blamed [[link removed]] for Biden's mistakes? This campaign flyer from Virginia [[link removed]] is hilarious!
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