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Thursday, November 4th, 2021


What America’s 17 Intelligence Agencies Won’t Say About the Origins of Covid

Ron Unz

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ and the Hysteria of the Elites

Tim Black

Protectionism Is Immoral, Unjust, and Corrupt

James Bovard

More Government Crimes

Andrew P. Napolitano

Wings of Death: How Availability of Combat Drones Will Change War Forever

Scott Ritter

From Dreamland to Nightmareland

Steve Sailer

Revenge of the Real World

Charles Hugh Smith

The Battle for the Soul of Man

Bionic Mosquito

Does the Name Baba Dioum Strike a Familiar Note?

Brian Wilson

They Can’t Stand It When We Ridicule Them

Jeff M. Lewis

Bergoglio: A Conversation in Hell

Jon Rappoport

OSHA Changes Rule To Cover Up Vaccine Injuries

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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