Yesterday, Democrats announced a deal to give Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices as part of the Build Back Better package -- restoring it after Big Pharma’s favorite Democrats sought to strip it out of the bill entirely.

Big Pharma’s corporate cash was able to limit the number of drugs Medicare can negotiate on, but this is still an important victory for seniors, who will now get to keep more of their earned Social Security checks. It’s also the biggest defeat Big Pharma has ever suffered in Congress. Together, let’s make sure it’s not the last.

How were we able to turn the tide? Relentless grassroots pressure, and Democrats in vulnerable districts who were willing to stick their necks out and stand up to Big Pharma.

Can you make a donation to these 5 champions? Big Pharma Super PACs are writing checks for their opponents right now. We need to show that when politicians show up for people, we’ll have their backs against corporate dark money.

Turn on images to see this.

Reps. Craig, Kim, Malinowski, Underwood and Wild are among a group of Democrats that the DCCC designates as “frontline”―meaning that their seats are top targets for Republicans to take over. A lot of the time, that makes frontline members anxious to do anything that will give corporations a reason to target them with dark money. These representatives took the risk and stood up for the people. Your donation today sends a message that siding with the people against greedy corporations is good politics.

100% of your donation will go immediately and directly to the re-election campaigns of vulnerable Democrats who took on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug prices. Chip in $5 today!


-- Social Security Works PAC










Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.