BREAKING: This afternoon, Senate Republicans abused the filibuster yet again to stop the Senate from even debating the John Lewis Voting Rights Act that would protect our democracy and the right to vote.

This marks the fourth time in the last six months that Senate Republicans have refused even to open debate on voter protections. It also marks the fourth time Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have put protecting the arcane and destructive filibuster over protecting our democracy.

P Street -- our progressive lobbying arm -- is continuing to work with senators to reform the filibuster so Democrats can pass crucial legislation with or without Republicans.

In the meantime, one thing we can all do right now is support progressive 2022 U.S. Senate candidates who will expand our majority, expand our map, and make it so that NO 1 or 2 senators can stop the Senate from protecting our democracy.

Can you chip in to these 4 Senate candidates working to replace Republican senators with not just Democrats, but bold progressives who will fight for everyday people -- and P Street's work on Capitol Hill to reform the filibuster!

If elected, our four bold progressive Senate candidates will mark a new era.

With Republican Senator Rob Portman's retirement, Ohio's Senate seat is wide open. Consumer protection attorney, anti-monopoly advocate, community organizer, and long-time PCCC ally Morgan Harper can bring together the coalition Democrats need to win in Ohio: Black voters, women, young voters, and independents.

Wisconsin is ripe for flipping its Republican-held Senate seat, and recent polls show bold progressive Mandela Barnes with a big lead in Wisconsin's Democratic Senate primary. Mandela’s win wouldn’t just expand the Senate majority with a Democrat -- it would replace a Republican with a progressive. On Twitter this past week, Mandela noted, "A tax on the 700 wealthiest people in America would be one of the most unifying things we could do."

In Missouri, the retiring Republican senator barely won his last election with 49.2% of the vote. One of the top Republican candidates is the unhinged, right-wing lunatic who got famous threatening Black Lives Matter protestors with a gun. Bold progressive, U.S. Marine veteran, and crusader against corporate monopolies Lucas Kunce is the Democrat who can win in a decidedly winnable Missouri.

In 2019, Kentucky elected a Democratic Governor. That and this quote from bold progressive 2022 U.S. Senate candidate Charles Booker give us reason to believe that with support "from the hood to the holler," Kentucky can elect a Democratic senator in 2022: "Kentucky is not a 'red state.' It’s a disenfranchised state. It’s a place where the number of people who don’t vote outnumber those who do. If we change that, we will send Rand Paul packing."

With an expanded majority and an expanded Senate map -- led by bold progressives like these who don't take corporate donations -- no Republican will be able to stop us from protecting our democracy and leading on bold progressive legislation.

Please chip in to our 4 progressive Senate candidates fighting for a bigger AND MUCH BOLDER, PROGRESSIVE majority in the Senate that works for everyday people -- and to P Street's work on Capitol Hill to reform the filibuster.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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