Last night, Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe lost the race for Governor to a Republican hand-picked by Donald Trump. Up and down the ballot, Republicans were able to turn out their voters in droves, out-doing Democrats from the House of Delegates all the way to the top of the ticket.
This is alarming, team: These results are consistent with a political environment where Republicans could take back the House in 2022 — which is why the work we’re doing to defend vulnerable NewDem incumbents and hold our Democratic House Majority next year is critical.
Can we count on you to become a Majority Defender by chipping in a recurring contribution of any size to help us defend vulnerable incumbents and keep the House BLUE in 2022? Or, chip in a one-time contribution to NewDems to help defend our House Majority.
Last night’s results should serve as a wake up call for Democrats. Republicans’ ability to energize their base and turn out voters in an “off” year proves that divisive rhetoric and Trumpism still hold strong in many of our most competitive battleground districts.
The outcome of next year’s midterm elections will be decided by the work we do now to get every single Democratic voter engaged in the campaigns of vulnerable incumbents in red-to-blue districts. And on all our top issues, we have to deliver tangible results.
Chip in a monthly contribution of $5 or more today, and help us defend our Democratic House Majority in 2022! Or, support our critical work with a one-time contribution of any size now.
Let's get to work.
- NewDem Action Fund