Hi ,

Thank you for your continued interest in the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and for all that you do to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality.

A lot needs to change in America - and we can't do that work alone. That’s why NCRC launched the Just Economy Club. It's the network for individuals who support NCRC's independent, nonprofit research, publishing, investigations, training, advocacy and programs.

It's also a way for individuals who work for organizations that don’t qualify for organizational membership to donate and show support for NCRC.

We need you, and we need your support. 
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The Biden Administration made racial equity one of its priorities, and that’s great. But an astonishing web of public policies, business practices and investments will need to change and grow to create a nation that not only promises but actually delivers opportunities for all Americans to build wealth and live well.

NCRC and our members are at the forefront of that work. Just last week we announced a $43 billion plan developed with M&T Bank and NCRC members to expand lending, investments and philanthropy for low- and moderate-income families and communities of color. We also filed complaints with HUD against mortgage lenders for anti-Black business practices, and we submitted a lengthy comment letter that urged the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to fully rescind its disastrous 2020 Community Reinvestment Act rule.

As an individual member and supporter, you’ll gain immediate access to members-only research tools and a trove of reports, snapshots, articles and analysis on NCRC’s Member Hub. You'll also be eligible for member discounts for the annual Just Economy Conference and other events and training.

Most critically, we need you with us to make sure policy makers and business leaders know that millions of Americans are fed up with inequality. We want an economy that works fairly for everyone.

We need your voice and your support. Please join the club today.

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