❌ They wouldn't let us run ads to send our message.
❌ They wouldn't let us send emails with certain words on it.
❌ They wouldn't even let us text.
AND STILL we beat the Leftist Media - when Bikers for Trump handed out thousands of #&%$ Joe Biden towels at the NATIONALLY TELEVISED
Florida-Georgia Game — and what happened?
THOUSANDS OF PATRIOTS joined us chanting on LIVE TV.
Even the #HateTrump Media couldn't hide it — because we stood up and fought back.
Because of support from pro-Trump
Conservatives like you, MILLIONS of viewers across the Country saw thousands of spectators chanting "#&%$ Joe Biden"
while waving our hand-delivered #&%$ Joe Biden towels distributed by our Bikers.
Our Bikers take on the fights the weak-kneed RINO's and career politicians are too afraid to take on. Instead of caving to the media censors and
cancel culture radicals, we're taking them head on.
John, our fight is only getting started and the Leftist media is getting more aggressive. That's why we're relying on the financial
support of committed pro-Trump Conservatives like you.
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We won this round, but the radical Left and their media cronies are quickly adapting their tactics to completely silence us. And if we're not prepared
this could be our last fight before we're shut down entirely.
If we're going to stay one step ahead of the censors and the anti-Trump elite, we need your immediate financial
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This was just the opening round. Keep our
Bikers on the road so we can stop Biden and Draft Trump for 2024.
Thank you,
Chris Cox
Bikers for Trump
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