From Pacific Justice Institute <>
Subject ZOOM CALL: Children Forced to get Vaccinated?!
Date November 3, 2021 4:14 PM
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Tune in TOMORROW, November 4th for an informative Zoom call at 2 pm PDT / 5 pm EDT

Pacific Justice Institute:
Defending religious freedoms, parental rights, and other civil liberties.

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A Nation Built on Hope

Hello John, in such a fast-paced unsettled climate regarding the pandemic, people are forced to compromise their religious freedom just to keep their jobs or keep their students in school. However, you don't have to compromise because PJI seeks to protect religious rights and civil liberties all at NO charge, so that people of faith like you can freely exercise your religious freedoms in every circumstance. Don't forget what our country stands for and don't ever lose hope! We are hosting a Free Zoom call where we go into a detailed discussion about the topics below. Join us TOMORROW, November 4th at 2pm PT / 5pm ET to discuss:
* How to prepare as the vaccine mandates shift course?
* Latest CDC updates- what are the current federal/state requirements?
* What to do if your employer/school approves your religious exemption letter but it is temporary?
* What to do if your religious exemption is denied and your employment is threatened?
* What to do if your employer/school provides a form asking about the employees or other family members medical records such as previous vaccinations or medications?

Click the "REGISTER" button below to join TOMORROW's FREE Zoom Call

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Right after you register, check your email for the Zoom meeting link. If you have questions during the call, simply type them into the chat feature on Zoom.

Feel free to pass this link on to any friends or family who would benefit from this call!

People have thanked us over and over again for these valuable Zoom calls saying they were "very helpful" and "critical for any person of faith" and "just what my church needs". We hope you will feel the same way.

This Zoom Call will be recorded for those who are unable to make it! The recording will be uploaded to the website by Friday evening.

Click here ([link removed]) to sign up for a free copy of our vaccination resources and more information about the option for religious exemption or accommodation.
Running the Race,

Brad Dacus with the
Pacific Justice Institute Team

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