
I have such an incredible opportunity and I just couldn’t wait to share it with you.

This Monday, I want you to join me at an exclusive dinner with the 45th President, Donald J Trump.

That’s right, you could be sitting next to me and our former Commander-in-Chief by donating today!

On November 8th, we are gathering for the Countdown to the Majority Dinner Celebration in Tampa, FL to kick off our effort to take back the House and oust the Radical Leftists destroying America. These tickets cost $10,000 but we are offering a pair of tickets to a lucky winner announced tomorrow morning! Be sure to enter for your chance to win a spot at one of the most exclusive GOP events of the year.
It will only cost you a hotel room and a plane ticket, but will put you in the room with some of America’s greatest patriots! Your support is so valuable to us and I would be honored to kick off our campaign to flip the House with a patriot like yourself!

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne