Hi John,
Today, I’m protesting in front of the White House with Martin Luther King Jr.’s family and youth leaders from all over America to demand action from President Biden to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and save our democracy.
For this to work, we need everyone to amplify today’s action on Twitter – showing that people in every state support our demands
Amplify our protest right now by tweeting at the White House.

We are so close to passing the Freedom to Vote Act – but the White House needs to act to get this bill passed.
Risking arrest with the 13-year old granddaughter of Martin Luther King reminds me that our fight to pass the Freedom to Vote Act is a continuation of the never-ending fight for the soul of democracy - a democracy that cannot defend itself. We all must put some skin in the game - if not by risking arrest, then by any means that work for you.
If all of America joins in our protest today, we can make this moment big enough to convince President Biden to take action.
Send a quick tweet to demand President Biden leads on democracy reform. Your tweet could be the one that pushes the White House to come out strong for the Freedom to Vote Act.
If you don’t use Twitter, you can also call the White House phone line – be aware that the line is busy and only open from 11am-3pm, Tuesday through Thursday. You may have to wait a few minutes to leave a message or reach someone but please stick with it!
Thank you,
Josh Silver Sent from my iPhone  |